What Our Clients Say statement on paper note pad

Every cleaning contractor could use a list of customer testimonials. These testimonials are a powerful tool that can improve a contractor’s sales performance significantly. However, too many contractors fail to take advantage of this  tool because they don't know how to go about building a testimonial, says Ron Segura, president of Segura and Associates.

To begin promoting testimonials, Segura suggests cleaning contractors take the following steps:

1. Be positive about asking for testimonials

Many contractors feel uncomfortable about asking for a testimonial. Don't. If the customer is happy with they service, they will be happy to write something positive. 

2. Make sure the timing is right

If something is heavily weighing on the company, asking for a testimonial can wait another day.

3. Be selective

Make a list of those clients the company believes would be most receptive to providing a testimonial.

4. Select long-term clients first 

Select clients the company has had for years. Asking a short-term client for a testimonial would likely not go over too well. 

5. Be comfortable

Start with the clients the company feels most comfortable with and build from there.

6. Ask in-person 

Instead of using email or a phone call, ask a client for a testimonial in a one-on-one situation, like after a maintenance review, at a social function, or at a business meeting.

7. How to ask 

Here is a good way to ask for a testimonial in a one-on-one situation:

"This morning when I was planning for our meeting, I realized I have never asked you for a testimonial. I wondered why, and I could not find a reason. So, I decided today that I would ask your help in obtaining a testimonial that I could present to a possible client."

8. Use the testimonials 

Testimonials should be part of every proposal and distributed at a presentation. Take pictures of the facility mentioned and include them with the proposal.

9. Be thankful

Thank a client when they provide a testimonial. Send them a “thank you” card with a short note. No one does this anymore, so it has considerable impact.