ISSA and the ISSA Foundation are asking all members to help the victims whose lives have been devastated by Hurricane Sandy after she wreaked havoc across the entire Eastern seaboard. The damages are already estimated to be well over $20 billion and the residents desperately need your help.

As the U.S. East Coast struggles to deal with the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy, the ISSA Foundation is partnering with the American Red Cross to collect monetary donations from our industry to help the millions of people who have been affected.

Here's how your company can help:

The American Red Cross has stressed that your financial contribution can make the biggest and most immediate impact. By making a donation to the ISSA Foundation American Red Cross Fund, you can join the industry in assisting to provide shelter, food, clean-up, counseling and other assistance to those in need.

Please donate today by completing the contribution form and forwarding it to Tracy Weber at ISSA. Please make checks payable to the ISSA Foundation American Red Cross Fund.

Thank you for your generosity and assistance in helping the victims of Hurricane Sandy!