Happy smiling kid in glasses is going to school. boy with backpacking heading into an elementary school

ISSA and the National School Plant Management Association (NSPMA) announced Wednesday a strategic partnership providing K-12 facility management professionals with the optimum support necessary to further develop their knowledge, drive operational efficiencies within their facility, and much more.

“NSPMA is very excited about what this partnership means for our membership specifically related to professional development and continual growth. Partnering with a proven leader in the cleaning industry like ISSA will undoubtedly benefit both associations,” said NSPMA President Keith Watkins, CDF. 

Specifically, ISSA and NSPMA will work together on developing a national online certification course and an annual event delivering the excellence in education that professional facility managers have come to rely on from the two associations. 

NSPMA members also will have access to ISSA’s numerous member benefits such as discounted services, news content, trade shows, and education and training resources to help them operate more efficiently. 

“Both our organizations have parallel goals and objectives,” said ISSA Director of Education, Training, Certification, and Standards, Brant Insero, in a press release. “We welcome this opportunity to work with NSPMA to provide the networking and educational opportunities to help advance the careers of K-12 facility management professionals nationwide.”