Low aerial view of the Las Vegas Convention Center

After a day of education, the ISSA Show really kicks into high gear in Las Vegas as the event opens the doors to its massive exhibit hall. 

More than 16,000 attendees from nearly 70 countries are expected to walk the aisles of the Las Vegas Convention Center. More than 600 exhibitors are showcasing their latest product innovations. 

Located in Central Hall, the floor plan is simplified through a series of specialty areas and pavilions, designed to group exhibitors together based on attendee interests. 

For example, exhibitors with new products to the market will be featured as part of the Startup Village. The First Time Exhibitor Pavilion will showcase products from companies who have never been to the ISSA Show. Those looking to find unique products not available in the United States should check out the International Pavilion or the Italian Pavilion. 

Besides seeing the latest products, attendees can learn about current trends during education seminars held on the show floor. Unlike previous years, however, the education sessions during show floor hours will no longer be held in the Education Theatre. Three different featured booths — Solve for X (booth 2601), the Specialty Cleaning Theatre (booth 3300) and the ISSA Innovation Center (booth 401) — will instead be holding a series of 30-minute sessions during show floor hours.

Learn more about the show, taking place all week, here