Tax credit written on a piece of paper next to a bunch of money and a calculator

In a post on its website, ISSA is giving praise to the cleaning tax credit proposed by Senate Republicans in the coronavirus relief package published Monday.

As it has been proposed, the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools Act (HEALS ACT) would provide a tax credit equal to half of an employer's qualified protection expenses. The tax credit would be refundable and help with the costs associated with COVID-19 testing, personal protective equipment, cleaning products and services, and other expenses. 

The amount of credit provided would be calculated based on the average number of people employed by an employer. Each quarter, expenses would be capped at or below $1,000 for each of the first 500 employees, plus an additional $750 for each employee between 500 and 1,000, and $500 more for each employee over 1,000.

“ISSA thanks Republican Senate leadership for including the tax credit in this legislation, which recognizes the need to help employers offset the significant additional costs for cleaning and disinfecting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for employees and customers,” says John Nothdurft, ISSA Director of Government Affairs, in the website post. “We look forward to working with members of both the Senate and U.S. House of Representatives to pass a bipartisan reopening safely tax credit as part of the next federal stimulus package.”