ISSA/INTERCLEAN provides the perfect venue for honoring industry achievers. Awards given out during the show will include the following.
Innovation Awards
The ISSA Innovation Awards Program provides a platform of recognition for exhibitors to introduce and showcase their latest products and service innovations. There are five categories in all — Cleaning Agents, Dispensers, Equipment, Services and Technology, and Supplies and Accessories — with entries voted on by cleaning industry distributors, building service contractors, residential cleaning contractors, and in-house service providers. Category winners are determined by those receiving the most votes online.
In addition, those participating in the awards program also have the opportunity to snag the Visitors’ Choice Award (given to the top five products receiving the greatest number of qualified onsite votes) and the ISSA Innovation of the Year, bestowed to a single winner based on receiving the greatest number of online and onsite votes and reviewed by a panel of judges comprised of industry experts, media and member representatives. The recipient of this award will be announced at the Innovation Awards Ceremony, scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 14.
All nominees will be on display at Booth 709.
Women Leaders
Striving to promote and support the advancement and retention of women in all sectors and at all levels of the cleaning community, the ISSA Hygieia Network (IHN) is an international community dedicated to this purpose. As part of this effort, the organization has established the Hygieia Network Awards, designed to recognize those individuals and companies making an outstanding contribution to the industry.
The primary honor is the Hygieia Member of the Year award, bestowed on an individual who has been involved in activities or efforts fulfilling one or more of the organization’s goals and objectives. Janelle Bruland, president and CEO of Management Services Northwest, a Washington-based building service contractor, was the 2016 winner.
Additional awards include the Eidyia, recognizing companies or persons heading up efforts to reduce illiteracy rates in the cleaning industry workforce; the Rising Star, open to women age 35 and under who have shown a commitment to furthering IHN’s ideals and objectives; the Man of the Year, recognizing a commitment to promoting gender diversity and inclusion in the industry; and the Employer of the Year, honoring a company that best promotes women’s interests and gender equality in the professional cleaning sector.
This year’s awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at the Bellagio in the Monet Ballroom.
Industry Achievement Awards
The ISSA board of directors will present the following awards to exceptional members of the cleaning industry during ISSA/INTERCLEAN 2017:
• The Jack D. Ramaley Industry Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes an individual who through his or her innovation, professionalism, leadership, elevation of industry standards, promotion of the Association’s growth and development, emulation of the ISSA Code of Ethics, and dedication without personal gain, has provided outstanding service to the cleaning and maintenance industry. Last year’s winner was John P. Garfinkel, ISSA vice president of corporate development and former ISSA executive director.
• The Manufacturer Representatives’ Distinguished Service Award. Presented on behalf of all independent manufacturer representatives, this award is given to a person within the industry who have positively impacted the industry and the Association, and who has demonstrated strong support for manufacturer representatives. John Miller, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Americo Manufacturing Co., was last year’s recipient.
• YES Industry Special Achievement Award. The Young Executives Society (YES) bestows this award to recognize an individual or company from the industry making substantial contributions to the advancement of the cleaning industry and to ISSA, while also demonstrating strong support for YES. Last year’s winner was Jon Scoles, president of Scoles Floorshine Industries.
• YES Rising Star Award. This award recognizes emerging industry leaders who are working to change how people view the industry through their positive and innovative contributions to their organizations and to the industry overall. Last year’s winners were Kory Deering (KSS Enterprises), Stacey Wong (Servicon Systems), and Arturo Garcia III (American Maintenance & Supplies).
Pamela Mills-Senn is a freelance writer based in Long Beach California.