Colleagues toss up happy businessman

The Student Association at Riverside-Brookfield High School in Brookfield, Illinois, hosted its fifth annual Custodian Appreciation Dinner earlier this month. According to Riverside-Brookfield Landmark reports, students decorated the doors near the custodian's office with a banner and served the day shift lunch and the night shift dinner from  a local restaurant.

The gracious group of students also made small goody bags filled with mints and notes of appreciation for each custodian, as well as home-baked cookies and brownies.

While gestures like these are appreciated any time of year, the official Thank Your Cleaner Day is in October. Managers can help promote their cleaning departments, while also recognizing their staff throughout the year in a few easy ways:

 • Print out posters that highlight cleaning workers and post them around the offices and in various high-traffic areas throughout the organizations.
 • Update the facility website with a page that shines light on the custodial operations and the hard work of the staff. Share the page via social media channels and in email communications.

 • Prior to Thank Your Cleaner Day, download the logo video and share it with staff and building occupants.

 • Leave a note of appreciation for each cleaning worker.

 • Buy lunch for the staff, or leave them a sweet treat at the end of the day, thanking them for their hard work.

 • Communicate to building occupants/customers the plans for thanking cleaning workers and encourage their participation.