JanSanOptimize.com, an industry marketing services firm, has made a free e-guide available to those who wish to optimize their jan/san websites. 
The company says janitorial and maintenance supply businesses are making costly business blunders on their websites, and laid out the most notable mistakes in their guide: "The Seven Deadly JanSan Website Sins." 
The downloadable e-Guide provides professional marketing advice for businesses in the janitorial and maintenance supply industry in regards to website construction and overall internet presence. It discusses website mistakes such as oversights in basic Search Engine Optimization implementation; poor coding that repels search engine spiders; content and graphic errors, omissions or gaffes; and blunders in maximizing an internet marketing presence. 

“”The truth is, a website is no longer an optional marketing tool,” says Ginny Petru, president of JanSanOptimize.com, a division of Petru & Associates. “In a Google survey, it was found that 99 percent of small business owners note that search engines are the best tool for finding new products and suppliers. Yet, we find that almost 35 percent of janitorial distributors do not have a website. We suspect they just may not know where to start. This e-Guide is a good beginning point, as well as an instrumental guide for businesses that currently have a website presence." 
The e-guide can be downloaded at http://www.JanSanOptimize.com.