
A Twin Cities janitor helping to protect others from COVID-19 died due to the virus. Now his partners in the frontline are calling for more pay and protection to offset their own risk.

Armando Solis, 55, died April 22 from the COVID-19, reports Fox 9. Solis, an immigrant who worked as a janitor in downtown Minneapolis for the past decade, leaves behind two adult children and a wife. 

It cannot be determined if he contracted COVID-19 at work or elsewhere.

Solis had a hunger for him and other janitors to receive better pay. Earlier in 2020, he played an important part in a short strike that lead to an pay raise for members of SEIU Local 26 - the union to which he belonged. Now, those living on in the union are fighting a similar battle.

The union is demanding more personal protective equipment and hazard pay. Some of those who contract the work of the janitors have met the demand, but others haven't.