Kaivac has launched a new website, www.kaivac.com. The site has a much bigger and bolder look than the company's previous website, along with streamlined navigation and an enhanced search function. It also allows visitors to “Shop Now,” directing them to learn more about Kaivac products and purchase them, along with genuine Kaivac parts, directly from the website.
“This new site has been a long time coming. Our department heads told us what they wanted on the site," said Tom Morrison, vice president of marketing for Kaivac. "Then we asked our [end] customers what they would like to see. Ultimately, this new site was inspired by a number of stakeholders."
One tab on the new site’s main menu is the “Kaivac Story.” This takes visitors to a video portraying how the Kaivac brand was started two decades ago in the back of a warehouse.
The company is now headquartered on its own Kaivac Campus. From manufacturing just one machine, it now manufactures a wide array of products and equipment sold worldwide.
Reflecting the issues of the day, the new site also includes an entire “Disease Prevention” section.
Along with providing up-to-date information such as an entire library of content addressing biohazards, COVID-related cleaning issues, and cleaning best practices, the section also points out how Kaivac machines are used for infection control and prevention purposes.
Morrison, who has a software and digital technology background, says Kaivac is doing all it can to keep up with the fast-paced digital world.
“COVID has changed everything, including the online world," he said. "People want to find information and products as quickly as possible. We believe [we] are making this happen with this new site.”