Courtesy of Clorox Professional.
Clorox Professional announced its partnership with the Boston Red Sox to help keep Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox since 1912, clean and its players healthy and on the field. The Boston Red Sox incorporated the Clorox Total 360 System into their current cleaning and disinfecting protocols for the 2018 season to optimize their efforts to prevent the spread of illness-causing germs among their players and staff, and are now using the system to disinfect their clubhouse, visitors’ clubhouse, training rooms, weight rooms and medical areas.
The Clorox Total 360 System combines electrostatic technology with Clorox products to more quickly and effectively sanitize and disinfect a wide range of high-touch surfaces, including those found in athletic facilities like Fenway Park. In addition to keeping athletes in peak physical shape, it is equally important for them not to get sick from illnesses like influenza, norovirus, staph or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that can prevent them from playing, making surface disinfection a key part of a winning season.
In fact, staph and MRSA infections are most commonly reported among athletes participating in contact sports with cases having been identified among athletes at high school, college and professional levels. Moreover, a study among collegiate athletes found that sports-related skin infections spread by contact cause up to 15 percent of athlete time-loss injuries. Since the results of illness within a sports team can be far-reaching and impact game and even season performance, proper cleaning and disinfection is an imperative first line of defense in the fight to keep athletes healthy.
“We considered other electrostatic sprayers, foggers, and misters, but we selected the Clorox Total 360 System because of its cutting-edge technology and ease of use to keep our facility and our clubhouse clean,” said Jon Lister, senior director of facilities management for the Boston Red Sox. “The system is used by the facilities team on a daily basis in addition to their daily manual cleaning and disinfecting protocol. What used to take our team hours now only takes them minutes.”
The Boston Red Sox brought in the Clorox Total 360 System, and many other Clorox Professional cleaning and disinfecting products, to enable comprehensive cleaning and disinfection of Fenway Park with superior surface coverage and more effectively protect their athletes and patrons.
The Clorox Total 360 System works by charging a disinfecting or sanitizing solution that when sprayed is then attracted to surfaces with a force stronger than gravity, allowing it to wrap around and uniformly coat even the hardest-to-reach surfaces such as the undersides of athletic benches, locker crevices, weight machines, free weights and even soft surfaces, that can be easily missed through manual cleaning.
“The Clorox Total 360 System can cover up to 18,000 sq. ft. per hour, works up to four times faster than traditional cleaners and uses 65 percent less solution. It is designed to be easily incorporated into a facility’s workflow and with the end user in mind. The system provides superior surface coverage to help keep facilities, like Fenway Park, healthier while also saving time, money and labor,” said Kristina Vannoni, associate director of marketing for Clorox Professional. “We are proud to partner with one of the most elite sports franchises in the world to provide this revolutionary system and bring two iconic and longstanding brands together for the first time.”