The Kentucky House, yesterday, passed a bill that encourages — but does not require — school districts to use more green cleaning materials. Backers of House Bill 146, which won quick approval in the House Education Committee, said such cleaning products are easy on the environment, work as well as traditional cleansers and would cost schools no more to use.

HB 146, the Green Cleaning Schools Act, stipulates that education officials publish an annual list of preferred green cleaning supplies, including all-purpose cleaners, restroom cleaners, window and glass cleaners, carpet cleaners, floor care products and hand soaps. An amendment was offered on the House floor to remove disinfectants from the legislation.

The bill directs state education officials to consult with the Department for Environmental Protection and the Kentucky chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council to promote the program and recommend cleaning procedures, local policies and ideas for staff training. Schools that participate in the green cleaning initiative will be published on a statewide list.

Democratic Rep. Carl Rollins II comments that the bill — which passed in the house by a 92-4 vote — "doesn't cost anything" and "is not a mandate for the schools."