![Human Resources HR management Recruitment Employment Headhunting Concept](https://www.CleanLink.com/resources/editorial/2019/hr-management-24589.jpg)
Hiring is tough. Whether it’s a jan/san distributor looking for warehouse help, a building service contractor looking for a janitor, or a facility manager seeking an employee that can make a building shine, many companies within the industry just can’t seem to always make the right hire.
Those wishing to break the cycle of disappointing hire after disappointing hire might want to take some advice from Trive Global, whose recent editorial piece suggests four keys to finding the right person for the job.
1. Hire on values
Company culture is becoming an increasingly important factor in a job seeker’s search for a new career. A great cultural match is also important for the company making the hire, too. As a result, companies should look to hire candidates that demonstrate the same values as they do.
The best way for a company to create a values-based hiring process is to first determine what its values are. Once that’s determined, the company should evaluate job candidates on their values during the hiring process.
2. Personality awareness
The personality of the people hired by a company needs to mesh with existing employees. Avoid an issue by providing personality tests and behavioral assessments during the hiring process.
3. References
Some older practices become traditions for one reason: they work. Such is the case with references. Be sure to check with the past employer’s of a job applicant to make sure he or she performed their job well. If the position being filled has any sort of leadership role, it would also make sense to reach out to the former co-workers of the applicant.
4. Transferable skills
When interviewing a candidate, don’t be afraid if he or she has job history that does not totally relate to the job description. It’s good to hire someone who has a wide variety of experiences because they could bring some fresh ideas.