Kruger Products L.P., a Canadian manufacturer of tissue and paper products, has joined forces with the Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario (STAO) to promote sustainability and leadership among elementary and high school students.
“Kruger Products is a tissue paper company, therefore managing our use of natural resources in a sustainable way is key to our ongoing success,” says Steven Sage, Kruger vice president of sustainability and innovation. “And as the Canadian leader in our industry, we believe that we have a responsibility to lead through example. What better way than to educate the youth, who will be the leaders of tomorrow.”
“Discussions in the classroom will help the next generation understand the risks associated with underestimating the importance of sustainability both in our personal lives and at work, as well as ways that we can all be more sustainable,” says Brian Jubenville, President of STAO. “Students will learn how to identify sustainable products as well as the importance of valuing our natural resources, like trees, that are manufactured into the products we use everyday.”
The modules are available to science teachers across Ontario and beyond its borders on the STAO website. Since being posted online, more than 1,000 teachers have downloaded the various modules.
The curriculum covers topics such as Consumer Awareness, Technology Innovation, Renewable Energy, Environmental Issues, Fibre, Corporate Responsibility and Environmental Certifications.