Kutol Products Company launched a new content-rich, graphically engaging, responsive website containing a wealth of information and tools for properly selecting commercial hand hygiene products, including hand soap, hand sanitizers and dispensers. The website features streamlined, user-friendly navigation to help visitors select products based on need, marketing verticals and cost comparisons. Also available are instructional videos, product information, safety data sheets and an interactive rep locator map.
“The purpose of our newly designed website is to provide comprehensive information about our products so our partners and customers are confident in the hand care products they choose for their particular needs,” said Brandon Jones, vice president of sales and marketing for Kutol Products Company. “Additionally, the navigation is designed so visitors can quickly access the information they are looking for without wasting time scrolling or clicking through non-essential material.”
The primary drop-down navigation bar quickly displays informational pages with a secondary navigation bar to further expedite finding product and industry information. The addition of an interactive rep map enables visitors to find a rep according to zip codes.
A ‘Resources’ tab directs visitors to product information, including a cost calculator to compare the cost of Kutol products against competitors, downloadable handwashing and sanitizing signage and eGuides. Visitors can view informational videos on the company, its products and installation procedures.
“In today’s competitive environment, ease of access to product information and interactive tools is more important than ever,” said Jones. “The materials on our newly designed website quickly guide visitors to pertinent information about our complete line of hand soaps, hand sanitizers, dispensing systems and specialty skin care products.”