As the U.S. re-opens, Health Guard by Kutol has launched a new content-rich online resource, www.covid-kutol.com, with guidelines and resources to help facilities re-open and stay open safely. The microsite addresses best hand hygiene practices in different venue types and provides a wealth of recommendations from market-specific resources. It also offers free signage for proper hand washing/sanitizing, videos, social media memes and a downloadable hand hygiene infographic.
“The purpose of this microsite is to offer guidance on how an effective hand hygiene program can aid in safely re-opening buildings and keeping them open,” states Brandon Jones, vice president of sales and marketing at Kutol. “We know hand washing is one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of germs, so this ‘best practice’ information is critical to facilities throughout the re-open/stay open process.”
In addition to guidelines pertinent to specific facilities such as restaurants, gyms and schools, the microsite also provides tips on choosing hand soap and sanitizer dispensers and products, descriptions about how soap works to combat communicable diseases, advice on when and how to use hand sanitizers and alcohol vs. non-alcohol sanitizer formulations.