LAHH Recognizes Staff With Certification

This September, the Los Angeles Habilitation House (LAHH) welcomed its newest group of graduates from its Certification Program. Graduates include: Andre Calvin Jr., Brandon Osborne, Bryan Cosajay, David Burris, Greg Demer, Ivan Anita, Justin Sabath, Keene Cibu, Mark Walker, Michael Mann, Omery Tanner, Stephen Morthel and Anthony Taylor.

Upon employment with LAHH, new team members complete extensive training called Boot Camp, which is typically provided in a classroom setting using a certification program from ManageMen. This group completed their coursework in a new online learning system provided by ManageMen. Because LAHH's mission is to employ and maintain employment for people with disabilities, this format enables the (OS1) trainer to identify the unique strengths of each employee and tailor materials to their specific educational or developmental needs.

Once employees complete Boot Camp and basic training, they are offered the opportunity to participate in the Certification Program to bring to a new and higher level the knowledge and execution of their daily work. This allows employees to grow and mature in their professionalism. The employees enrolled in the program are offered in a classroom setting to learn and review material, which includes the study playbook, scouting reports, videos and homework. At the end of three month period, this group of participants took an online test. Once they successfully passed their exam, employees received a certificate of completion from ManageMen. They were also honored during a graduation ceremony held in September, where graduates received a polo shirt with the Light Duty patch. 

"As the (OS1) trainer who conducted the classes (every other week for the last three months) and trained these 14 professional workers, I am incredibly proud and truly in wonder of their achievement," said Guido Piccarolo, LAHH CEO.