Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1877 in Los Angeles County, Calif., announced a tentative four-year contract agreement between janitors who work in office buildings and their building service contractor employers. The agreement, which comes after the previous contracts with BSCs expired at the end of April, raises wages by $1,000 annually. Currently, janitors in that area are averaging salaries about $25,000.

Last week, union members had voted to stage rolling walkouts after talks broke down, but L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa stepped in to help facilitate. Building owners and the union have agreed that the contract will be regional, covering janitors in L.A. and Orange counties. That joint contract will have to ratified by building owners and janitors in both counties. 

Negotiation will continue in Orange County this week, where janitor salaries are not as high. 

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