MaintenX, one of the largest national facility maintenance and repair companies in the U.S., announced it has donated 700-plus toys and gifts to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program to brighten the holidays for 134 disadvantaged Tampa Bay children. The donation continues an annual charitable tradition that also includes companywide programs with Habitat for Humanity and Metropolitan Ministries, and programs that dovetail with the company’s legacy of improving people’s lives through quick, cost-efficient, and expert repair solutions.
For its participation in the Angel Tree program, MaintenX, for the fourth year in a row, organized a companywide campaign to encourage employees to “adopt” a child of a needy family, buy gifts for the child that include both “needs” and “wants” specified in wish lists by the child’s family, and bring the gifts to MaintenX’s office to be collected for a mass delivery to a Salvation Army center. On Dec. 2, a team of about 10 MaintenX employees traveled in a convoy of vehicles to the Salvation Army center in South St. Petersburg to drop off the toys and gifts.
MaintenX made a company match for each child adopted by an employee to double the total amount of adopted children. As a result, with this match, the company adopted a total of 134 children and donated more than 700 toys and gifts, including everything from toys to craft kits to tablets to bikes to scooters. The gifts amounted to $100 to $150 for each child.
“It's a privilege and a pleasure for our company to take part in this program each year and help brighten the holidays for a number of disadvantaged children and their families across the Tampa Bay area,” said Bill Schaphorst, vice president, new business development, MaintenX. “Thanks to an excellent partnership with and careful organization by the Salvation Army, we’re able to have a direct impact on how some of those less fortunate celebrate the holidays. To say that we helped 134 children and donated over 700 toys and gifts will be one of our company’s proudest results for 2022.”
Habitat for Humanity Program
The gift giving to disadvantaged children through the Salvation Army is one three companywide programs that MaintenX leads each December holiday season. A second program includes sponsoring the building of and assisting in the construction of one house a year for a needy family through Habitat for Humanity of Pinellas and West Pasco Counties, and a third program involves contributing tens of employee volunteer service hours helping hungry families pick up food supplies through Metropolitan Ministries.
Starting in 2019, MaintenX has provided company financial support and employee volunteer construction service to build one Habitat for Humanity house a year for a disadvantaged family needing a home. On Dec. 3, the company announced the new Habitat house it would sponsor, at MaintenX’s annual holiday party, where the new Habitat homeowners were on hand as well as homeowners from MaintenX’s previous Habitat projects. The building of the new home will begin in early spring.
In addition, MaintenX is a regular sponsor of Habitat for Humanity’s annual Golfing Fore Habitat tournament, which was recently held, on Oct. 31.
Metropolitan Ministries Program
A third companywide program that has become a part of MaintenX’s annual charitable tradition is the volunteering of employees at the holiday tent of Metropolitan Ministries. There, they help distribute food to needy families by stocking food items at distribution centers, loading them on carts for recipients, and assisting recipients with the transport of food items to their vehicles.
This year, about 10 employees completed volunteer shifts on Nov. 18 and 22, and about 10 more have registered to complete shifts on Dec. 16 and 22.
Employees also participate in Metropolitan Ministries’ Backpacks of Hope program, which provides backpacks, uniforms, and school supplies to disadvantaged children in late summer, at the beginning of each school year.