ManageMen, a business management consulting firm for the professional cleaning industry, announced the most recent group to successfully complete the (OS1) Trainer course and (OS1) Trainer Certificate Holder (OTCH) Exam. These individuals are now approved to teach (OS1) Boot Camps within their organization through 2020.
“(OS1) Trainers play a critical role within the (OS1) System, as they help maintain the integrity of (OS1) processes once it is deployed within an organization,” said Ben Walker, Chief Operating Officer, ManageMen. “This class represents a high level of knowledge, proficiency and professionalism in the cleaning industry; we look forward to working with every one of them in the coming year.”
The 2019-2020 OTCH include:
Brandon Baswell, Michigan State University
Dominic Bratta, DNM Training & Consulting, LLC
William Carroll, Eurest Services
Chuck Crawley, Sandia National Labs
Rebecca Delap, Michigan State University
Joseph Garcia, Victor Valley College
Minda Gorsline, Michigan State University
Jeff Hawkins, Provo City School District
Lorenzo Meza, Mt. San Antonio College
Guido Piccarolo, Los Angeles Habilitation House
Judy Ramirez, Michigan State University
Joshua Sego, Michigan State University
Scott Spencer, Eurest Services
Anna Tobias, University of Michigan
Anna Atencio-Torres, Sandia National Labs
To qualify to become an (OS1) Trainer, individuals must have first completed Janitor University - Executive Management Course. During the (OS1) Trainer course, attendees participate in hands-on training covering science-based cleaning curriculum along with training and employee engagement topics. Students must also prepare presentations, deliver them using props and receive critique from the class and instructor. They then have the option to take the OTCH test, a one-hour exam, which they must complete with a score of 80 percent or higher in order to become a certificate holder.
For more information on the (OS1) System or how to attend one of ManageMen’s upcoming training programs, please visit www.managemen.com.