According to the Ann Arbor News, Pinckney Community Schools and the Livingston County Sheriff's Department have found a way to work around minimal state funding and overcrowding in jail. Beginning immediately, low-risk county jail inmates will be cleaning the schools' buildings and grounds throughout the summer at no cost to the district. As mentioned in the article, the sheriff's department hopes that this new program will relieve jail overcrowding by reducing those inmates' sentences through community service.

Inmates will be identified as such and will be working only in schools where there are no summer programs in sessions.

Custodians at the school have mixed feelings about the program, but understand that it is what needs to be done to guarantee a clean school for the start of the new year. To date, Michigan schools have had a difficult time funding custodial departments and more and more districts are outsourcing janitorial jobs in an effort to save what little funds they are receiving from state funding.

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