The fear of deadly outbreaks and pandemics remain heightened as sicknesses appear to linger each year, while others avoid preventative measures. Although they can do little to curb debate over vaccines and widespread hysteria involving the latest flu bug, janitorial workers are in as good a position as ever to protect the public from sickness.
While janitors can’t put people in a protective bubble (legally) or do a check up on the high touch surfaces in their home, they can ensure workspaces, shared restrooms, classrooms and other public places. Given the chance, these well-trained workers prevent the spread of the flu, pink eye, measles, mono, meningitidis and so much more. Below is a reminder of a few things janitors must do to safely accomplish this feat, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Know the basics: Before conducting their work, janitorial employees should know what each step of their duties entail. Remember, clean first to remove germs then either disinfect to kill germs or sanitize to lower the amount of germs on a surface.
- Stick to the basics: While the thought of an outbreak is menacing, it’s no reason to get overzealous with cleaning and disinfecting practices. Wiping down walls and ceilings, fumigate, or use room air deodorizers to stop a virus is often unnecessary. Instead, stick to the basics of cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing.
- Use products correctly: The directions provided on product labels should always be followed, as failing to do so could have adverse effects on both the person handle the products and the people who will frequent the area.
To read the remaining tips provided by the CDC, click here.