Turning point in your life. bald man in tie jumping out the door

Nearly two-thirds of all employees say they might leave their current job in 2020, according to a new report from Achievers.

The survey, whose most basic findings were shared in a press release, is in its third year of existence. 

The people considering a career change are not just doing so because of salary. In fact, employee engagement is now a bigger factor in retention. And that's a problem, as only 19 percent of survey respondents say they are very engaged at their place of work.

“Our data shows a substantial portion of today’s workforce already has one foot out the door. This is a huge shift from what we found last year: that despite disengagement, 65 percent of employees were planning on staying at their jobs, says Dr. Natalie Baumgartner, chief workforce strategist at Achievers. “Employers must take immediate action to reverse these feelings of under-appreciation and disengagement. If they don’t, the risk of turnover and underperformance in 2020 is immense.”

The top three reasons people say they're considering a career change, according to the survey, are salary, career growth and lack of recognition.

Workplace culture is also an issue. Less than a quarter of survey respondents say the senior leadership at their place of employment is very committed to company culture. A third of those who responded say leadership at their company is minimally committed to both culture and the employee experience.

To register for access to the entire survey, click here.