As with many issues regarding the protection of the environment, many simply don't have their facts straight when it comes to water conservation, says Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co. That’s why he and Waterless Co. put together a statement they believe touches on myths pertaining to water use.
"Some things [commonly] believed about water conservation are so far off-base, it will benefit everyone if we set the record straight,” says Reichardt.
One prevalent myth Reichardt hears, that a water crisis would mainly impact developing countries, is incorrect. Waterless Co. says developed nations such as the United States, China, Brazil and South Africa already face issues pertaining to water conservation.
The company also takes issue with the belief that only installing water saving devices in buildings will not make much of a difference.
“This is more than a myth; it's a cop-out,” says Reichardt. “We hear this most frequently when a building owner does not want to invest in new water-efficient fixtures. But, imagine if every building on a street installs low- or no-flow fixtures. That can produce real [water] savings."
More of a misunderstand than a myth, some mistakingly believe that water conservation and water efficiency are the same thing. The two differ in that water conservation efforts occur over the short term, like during a drought, while efficiency strives to reduce water waste on a permanent basis, according to Waterless Co.
Reinhardt hears people say that the United States is the most water wasteful nation on Earth. It’s not. However, it could stand make improvements. For example, Waterless Co. says America is becoming too dependent on underground water.