The National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) announced the results of its election for incoming officers and directors to the Association’s Board of Directors held during NACD’s Annual Meeting, the premier chemical distribution industry event of the year.
Members of the Executive Committee will serve two-year terms, the Directors-at-Large will hold their positions for three years, and the Regional Directors-at-Large will hold their positions for either two- or three-year terms. The newly elected NACD Board members for 2023 are:
Executive Committee:
• Chairman: Edward Boss, Riteks, Inc.
• Vice Chairman: Megan Bohan, Esq., TRInternational, Inc.
• Treasurer: Matthew Fridley, Brenntag North America, Inc.
• Andrea Nagle, Chem/Serv, Inc.
• Neil Morgan, Brainerd Chemical Company, Inc.
Regional Directors-at-Large:
• Northeast: C.J. Diamond, Jr., Astro Chemicals, Inc.
• Western: Stephen M. Halpin, Norman, Fox & Company
• Central: Thomas B. Turriff, TLC Ingredients, Inc.
• Southern: Julie Van Brunt, Lintech International
“NACD is thankful for the leadership and guidance of outgoing Chairman Kurt Hettinga, Superior, and we welcome our newly installed Board of Directors,” says Eric R. Byer, president and CEO of NACD. “We will appreciate their guidance as the chemical distribution industry continues to navigate unprecedented economic and supply chain challenges. These individuals uphold the key principles of NACD’s mission, and they will play a central role in advocating for the continued growth of our industry. I look forward to working with them in the years to come.”
The above individuals possess the qualifications required by Article VIII, Section 2 of the NACD Bylaws. Article XI, Section 2 of the Bylaws provides that “Additional nominations for Officers and Directors-at-Large may also be made by the membership when endorsed with the names of not less than ten members of the Association and received by the President at least twenty (20) days prior to the annual meeting of the Association, for immediate transmittal by him to the members.”