A businessman joins a new employee to the team as its leader. Hiring new employees for the project., teamwork. leader works with the team as a member. increasing efficiency, confidence, communication

The National Service Alliance (NSA) recently announced that Janco Commercial Cleaning has become a member. Janco Commercial Cleaning is a family-owned business servicing Anchorage, Alaska. At JANCO, trust and communication sets them apart. Communication is the key to increasing quality control and productivity, and they believe that the relationships built with their clients and their great team of employees have proven their success. Janco’s goal is to engage in business with people who believe what they believe in!

Jhovy Mejia began this business in the early 90's, focusing on quality and customer service. Now, with over 35 years of experience, he continues to expand his knowledge in his field and is a leader in the commercial cleaning industry. Jhovy believes his success lies within his continued vision for the company and the future of his employees.

Genesis Mejia is JANCO's CEO and continues to be an invaluable asset to the company. Following in the steps of her father, she believes in JANCO and strives for quality and customer satisfaction for each and every client.