Person Removing Ceiling Air Filter. Caucasian male removing a square pleated dirty air filter with both hands from a ceiling duct. Guy taking out an unclean air filter from a home ceiling air vent

The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) — also known as the HVAC Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Association — welcomed Michael McDavid and Clint Orr to its board of directors.

As General Manager of Professional Abatement & Remediation Technologies (PART-LLC) in Fenton, Missouri McDavid has been in the HVAC system cleaning industry for nearly 20 years. He is extremely active with NADCA and currently serves on the association’s Annual Meeting Committee, Standards Committee, Certification Committee, Fall Technical Conference Advisory Committee, and Energy Study Task Force. He holds Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) and Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certifications, and has been a member of NADCA for 19 years.  

Orr is the owner and founder of Full Throttle Furnace & Duct Cleaning, Inc. in Saskatchewan, Canada. He has been involved in the HVAC industry since 2004. After completing his Redseal Journeyman certification in HVAC, he started his own HVAC company in 2007, then pursued duct cleaning exclusively beginning in 2011. Orr currently serves on NADCA’s Annual Meeting and Certification Committees and is Co-Chair of the Education and Safety Committee. He holds Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) and Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) certifications.

“We’re delighted to welcome Michael and Clint as the newest members of our Board of Directors,” said Jodi Araujo, NADCA's CEO. “They each bring diverse experience and leadership in the HVAC system cleaning and inspection industry and are committed to strengthening mission-critical solutions for our members. Michael and Clint will be assets to the NADCA Board of Directors and the industry at large. We are incredibly excited about the energy they’ll bring to our organization.”

McDavid and Orr will begin their terms in March.

In addition, April Yungen was re-elected for her third term on the board; and Jim Castellano was re-elected for his second term.