Network Distribution (Network), a global distributor, will be presenting at the 2022 Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI) Contracting Success Conference in Chicago on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. Network’s Michael Ledonne, CSCP, Director of Supply Chain Services, will moderate a panel of building service contractors on the topic of “Post Pandemic Building Management – Changes, Challenges and Best Practices”. The panel includes Josh Hendricks, CSM (4M Building Solutions), Joe Mann (SBM), and Brad Cox (The Budd Group).
Post- pandemic, BSCs are returning to a very different world. A panel of BSCs will speak about experiences adapting their approach and management of the current challenges and disruptions. The experts will address root causes, insights, and solutions they have implemented and how to manage these impacts in the future. Attendees will learn about the evolving pain points that building service contractors face with occupancy fluctuations, labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, and customer retention in a post-pandemic world.
To learn more about the session and the event, click here.