One of the many things visitors to the new Ashkin Group Web site ( learn is that Green can be fun.
The new site is full of amusing and eye-catching images, games (many of which are downloadable), apps for mobile and touch devices, and slideshows.
“However, that should not disguise the fact that we are also presenting some very important information [on the site],” says Elizabeth Crosbie, Marketing Manager for The Ashkin Group.
“We just wanted to lighten things up a bit [so that] everyone also realizes [that] Green can be fun [and] healthy and [can] protect our planet all at the same time.”
Crosbie says among the updates to the new site are the following:
· The home page has been totally redone so that it features well-timed news articles and items of interest pertaining to Green Cleaning and related issues.

· The site now meets the most up-to-date Web standards regarding links to the company's social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
· An advanced search function helps find articles and other content making it much easier and faster for visitors to find information.
“Steve [Stephen Ashkin, President of the Ashkin Group] has always been the industry’s knowledge leader when it comes to Green Cleaning,” Crosbie says.
“This is reflected on the site, but he also wanted the new site to [place] more focus on custodial training and ingredient disclosure issues. Those have always been big concerns for him and [are] even more so right now.”