If one of your New Year's resolutions is to make the world a greener place to live, there are a few practices that can translate to a greener workplace, according to an article on the One Green Planet website.
Keeping the planet clean means changing some of the everyday things you do that add to the pollution, landfills and industrial waste. Some easy workplace practices to adopt include:
• Don't offer paper or plastic at the office coffee station. Stock the kitchen with reusable options such as glasses, mugs, plates, and utensils
• Recycle whenever possible, including paper, plastics, aluminum, and glass
• Make double-sided printing the default for all printing and copying
• Appoint a "green leader" to assist in training and education of staff
• Train current and new employees on proper office green practices and procedures
• Choose supplies and products that use less packaging
• Use eco-friendly cleaning products
• Purchase third-party certified environmentally-preferable products of all kinds
• Compost the compostable. Organic materials are not garbage. Set up a composting bin outside the workplace if possible.
• Repurpose. It's always better to reuse or repurpose than to purchase items you don’t need.
• Use less energy. While buying efficient light bulbs and that whole lot is great, we can also simply elect to use the air conditioning less, the heating less.