A recent on-site inspection from Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) representatives "identified the presence of ergonomic risk factors associated with the housekeeping tasks" at Hyatt Hotels Corp.

According to Reuters reporting, injury complaints were filed by union-represented workers, prompting the OSHA inspection. In response, the agency targeted Hyatt hotels in both Illinois and Texas and found risk factors involved in housekeeping work such as repeated heavy lifting and carrying, bending, twisting and forceful gripping.

The inspection did not result in a citation or indicate Hyatt violated OSHA standards, but a letter was issued to the hotel chain suggesting a number of ergonomic recommendations. Hyatt could reduce the level of potential stressors, including providing workers with long-handled mops, lighter-weight vacuums with a better hand-grip design and knee pads that can be used to perform jobs that require kneeling.

"Employees should be consulted on evaluations of potential risk factors and on interventional strategies," the OSHA letter said.

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