Many Americans will fear germs at the workplace more after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, according to results GP Pro released from its survey identifying pre- and post-COVID-19 office workers’ attitudes related to workplace hygiene.
Key findings from GP PRO’s survey indicate that the coronavirus outbreak has heightened employee concerns about workplace hygiene and that their concerns will remain elevated once the pandemic is over. Findings also identify what employees say would make them feel safer from germs at work. More specifically, of office workers interviewed:
- Nearly three in four people say that post-COVID-19, they will be somewhat or very concerned about illness spreading in their workplace.
- Almost half of the respondents say that post-COVID-19, they will be somewhat or very concerned that adequate steps to ensure a hygienic workplace will not be taken.
- The great majority (88 percent) say they would feel safer from germs if there were hand sanitizer near the main entrance, yet only 59 percent of offices offered it prior to the pandemic.
- Nearly three-quarters of those surveyed say they would feel safer from germs if there were facial tissue at each desk, yet only 40 percent of offices offered it prior to the pandemic.
- Just over two-thirds say they will remain more concerned about touching restroom door handles than they were before the outbreak.
- About half say they will remain more concerned about touching restroom soap dispensers than they were before the outbreak.
In addition to the above findings, GP PRO calculated that prior to the pandemic, businesses lost an average of $564 of value creation annually per employee due to sickness. The calculation is based on each survey respondent’s stated days missed due to sickness and annual income.
“Based on these findings, I would strongly encourage employers to take responsibility for elevating their workplace hygiene practices. This pandemic is making it clear that enhanced hygiene is no longer optional; it’s critical to the health and well being of employees,” says Julie Howard, vice president and general manager of GP PRO’s Towel, Skincare and Aircare categories.