Outlook Nebraska, the state’s largest employer of the blind, is pleased to announce reaching a new safety milestone. The manufacturer of janitorial and restroom paper products, which was recently recognized by National Safety Council, Nebraska as a 2019 recipient of its Nebraska Safest Companies Award, has gone more than 2,000 days without a lost-time incident.
More than 75 percent of Outlook’s production facility associates are legally blind. Adaptive technology on its production floor includes voice output software and audible alerts on its walk path gate. These modifications not only help keep Outlook associates safe, but also enable employment opportunities for the visually impaired. In Nebraska, 7 out of every 10 working-age, visually impaired individuals are not employed full-time, year-round.
“This award speaks volumes to the capabilities of the visually impaired when given opportunities in the workplace and the right adaptive tools to thrive,” said Eric Stueckrath, chief executive officer of Outlook Nebraska. “It takes a great safety leader and willing group of coworkers who care about one another to keep our safety ratings among the highest in the region.”
The Nebraska Safest Companies Award was established to celebrate organizations with commendable safety programs throughout the state. With its 2019 honor, Outlook Nebraska has been recognized by the National Safety Council, Nebraska for its commitment to safety for the third consecutive year. The nonprofit also received the Nebraska’s Safest Companies Award in 2018 and the Service to Community Safety Award in 2017.
“Winning a Nebraska’s Safest Company Award clearly illustrates a commitment to safety,” said Eric Koeppe, president and chief executive officer of National Safety Council, Nebraska. “We are proud to recognize Outlook’s achievements in providing a safe work environment.”
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), “lost time” usually refers to work-related injuries and illnesses that result in “Days Away and Restricted and Transferred days” (DART) and are entered and counted on the OSHA 300 Log.
“I am proud to be on be on a team that is committed every day to making sure we all go home safe to our families,” said Ross Menard, safety manager for Outlook Nebraska. “The safety of every Outlook Nebraska associate will always be a part of our culture.”