Philip Rosenau Co., Inc. announced at its “Superheroes of Sustainability”-themed Product Expo and Trade Show the results of several sustainability initiatives.
For nearly five years the company has been recycling cardboard, plastic, metal, paper, and shrink wrap.  The Company began recycling discarded cleaning equipment in January 2011.  Since that addition, the Company has diverted more than 51 tons of material from landfills through this initiative.

Also, in February of this year, the company re-lamped its 50,000 square foot warehouse, resulting in a 32% reduction in the electrical energy used by the company.

Through these two initiatives, Philip Rosenau Co. is preventing more than 212 Metric Tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere each year.   (The results are being tracked through the Company’s partnership with Sustainability Dashboard Tools, LLC. )

“While we are very proud of these efforts, our work is far from complete”, said John Rosenau, President.  “We shall work to increase awareness among our customers of the availability of recycling options.  We will increase our use of the Sustainability Dashboard to track other initiatives in reducing vehicle fleet mileage, fuel consumption and water use, thereby continuing our leadership role when it comes to sustainability.”