In late November, Portland Public Schools (PPS) teachers ended a strike that last nearly a month after reaching a new contract agreement which included higher pay, more planning time, and the ability to control class sizes via committees. While this was certainly a victory on the education front, other employees at the district haven’t yet been so fortunate. As reported by KGW8, nutrition service workers and custodians serving the district who are members of the Service Employee International Inion (SEIU) are yet to see a breakthrough of their own when it comes to securing a contract with improved labor terms.
Negotiations have been going on for almost an entire year now, a situation that one food service assistant working in the district said wasn’t normal. While the most recent proposal from the union was sent to PPS back in October which outlined improved pay for both custodians and foodservice workers — positions that currently pay $19 and $17.25 per hour, respectively. While some tentative agreements have since been made between PPS and SEIU on some labor issues, no progress has been made on pay discussions.
Among the improvements the union employees are looking for is the increase of pay to $25 per hour for both positions by the end of the contract being proposed. While no agreement appears imminent, the union has the support of teachers at the district, with one educator applauding their efforts to fight for a new contract that they deserve.
The last meeting between the SEIU and PPS to reach a formal agreement was scheduled for Dec. 11, and no additional dates have been scheduled in the future as of this reporting.
In related news, a union representing custodians reached a new deal for improved pay and working conditions was reached with Seattle Public Schools back in September. Read more on the details here.