Old man in a business suit

ISSA named Pro-Link’s CEO Brian Slack as the recipient of their 2020 Jack D. Ramaley Industry Distinguished Service Award. The award honors individuals with at least 10 years of industry experience who have demonstrated outstanding service to the cleaning industry through their innovation, professionalism, leadership, elevation of industry standards, promotion of the association’s growth and development, unselfish dedication without personal gain, and emulation of the ISSA Code of Ethics.

Slack has worked in the cleaning industry since 1985 and at Pro-Link since 2008. He was named CEO of Pro-Link in 2014. In that role, he has helped the independent sanitary supply distributors that comprise Pro-Link’s membership grow their businesses and increase their capabilities to aid thousands of schools, health care organizations, businesses, and other organizations across the United States in keeping their facilities clean, safe, and healthy.

“I am honored to receive this award,” said Slack in a press release from Pro_link. “It is a testament to all the people who helped me grow throughout my career and taught me about the cleaning industry, the Pro-Link board and members who put their trust in me to lead the company, and to all the outstanding colleagues I have had the opportunity to lead at Pro-Link who work every day to help our members better serve their communities. I can’t think of a better way to cap off my 35-year career in the industry.”

Slack is retiring from Pro-Link at the end of this year but is staying involved in the business world. He will be coaching CEOs and sitting on several boards.