Video conference icon. People on computer screen. Home office in quarantine times. Digital communication. Internet teaching media.

Pro-Link, Inc., a national jan/san buying and marketing group with distributors located throughout the country, held their first ever virtual tradeshow Sept. 22 to 24. The annual awards ceremony was held shortly after on Oct. 9. Due to the pandemic and the unfortunate cancellation of the 2020 Pro-Link Annual Meeting in March, Pro-Link Members were connected live with suppliers in virtual meeting rooms with scheduled appointments. Additionally, virtual discussions were held throughout the month with timely topics including Reopening Business, Chemical-Free Cleaning Solutions, Using Social Media to Prospect for Sales and more.

“Our industry is the first line of defense as it relates to the well-being of the public. Our members and suppliers requested a structured environment where they could get together and talk about business. We were able to develop a platform to accommodate everyone. Our virtual meeting, show and roundtable discussions offered the perfect opportunity to learn from each other what we need to do going forward that is different than what we have done in the past,” said Brian Slack, Pro-Link’s CEO.