Experts that work around seniors and ailing adults recommend special care and extra hygiene during flu season. According to reports, these individuals with weaker immune systems are more vulnerable to the flu, which is why 90 percent of all flu-related deaths and more than half of flu-related hospitalizations occur in people age 65 or older.

Seniors that are exposed to the flu can also develop pneumonia or other respiratory illnesses, which can be deadly in some cases. It is important for those working around these sensitive populations to protect themselves from the flu, as well as the spread of infection. Keep areas sanitized and as germ-free as possible.

Experts recommend developing flu kits, which might include:
• Paper towels — Encourage seniors to use paper towels in the bathroom instead of hand towels, which can harbor germs.
• A thermometer — A fever higher than 102 degrees could indicate the flu.
• Vitamin C or little boxes of orange juice to boost seniors' immune systems.
• Pocket-size hand sanitizer, with aloe to keep seniors' skin germ-free.
• Pens — Seniors should always have their own pen handy because shared pens in public areas carry germs.
• Disinfecting spray for use on doorknobs, handles, light switches and other highly used items. Viruses can live up to 48 hours on plastic and stainless steel surfaces.
• Hand soap because plain soap and water works as well, if not better, than anti-bacterial soaps.
• A tip sheet explaining the difference between the cold and flu.
• Hand sanitizer wipes to clean hands or public surfaces.

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