Happy 2024! Last month in anticipation of the holidays, CleanLink reached out to readers with the opportunity to share how they show appreciation for cleaning staff, what memorable holiday-related experiences they’ve had on the job, and any New Year’s Resolutions as the calendar turns.
Below are the best responses to each of the questions:
How are you showing appreciation for your staff during the holidays?
A: We have an annual Holiday party that we call “ExpressNavidad” where we play games, win prizes, eat, have raffles and recognize the contributions our teams make all year. Among others, we nominate impact awards, Swept ambassador, supervisor, leadership, and employee of the year. One of our favorite is the 5 and 10 years awards to recognize and appreciate our team member's dedication.
What is the craziest cleaning-related experience you’ve had during the holiday season?
A: It's not a crazy cleaning situation but we always ask clients to be patient with us during Christmas as most of them have office parties involving glitter and since the glitter flakes are all tiny they embed themselves in the carpet making it difficult to get all at once. This is one of the hardest things at Christmas, however we love seeing our clients enjoy all the festivities with their teams.
What New Years Resolutions are you making for your team this year?
A: Focus on sponsoring life changing moments for our team. Last year we sponsored the driver's license exam portion for team members that wanted to attain their driver's license. I believe our total for 2023 was 3, and I'd like to see this program grow to 10 team members in 2024.