In a time where infection control remains paramount for players in the cleaning industry (along with the public as a whole), it comes as little surprise that the demand for tissue and general hygiene products has skyrocketed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and is expected to continue a rampant period of growth.
To get a clearer idea on recent trends and future projections, research firm Global Industry Analytics Inc. (GIA), released a report, “Tissue and Hygiene Products - Global Market Trajectory & Analytics,” providing distributors and end users alike a glimpse into what to expect for tissue and hygiene products in the post-COVID-19 market.
Key findings include:
• After an estimated value of $49.6 billion in 2020, the projected rise in theTissue and Hygiene Products market is slated to be at $57.5 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.4 percent in that span.
• Tissue products alone are projected to account for $22.9 billion of that total (2.2 percent CAGR). Wipe products also expect a CAGR of 2.2 percent.
• Hygiene products alone are projected at $22.2 billion, also with a 2.2 percent CAGR
• Regionally the U.S. market expects to the the biggest contributor to the market at $13.7 billion, followed close by China at $11.2 billion.
To purchase the complete report, click here.
For a similar report on the projected hospital acquired infections (HAI) market, click here.