Most surfaces are free of COVID-19, but not all, according to an investigation conducted by Bakersfield Now.
Broadcast journalist Jeff Platt traveled throughout California’s Kern County swiping surfaces in grocery stores, a post office, a gas station and an airport in search of COVID-19. In all, he tested 25 surfaces using a swab kit from Phylagen’s. According to the company's co-owner, the kit was created to allow any person to test the effectiveness of their safety and cleaning protocols.
The self-check kiosk, armrest, luggage carousel and spots in the men’s restroom were all tested at the area airport, each coming back negative for COVID-19. The PO Boxes and floor at the post office checked out fine, as did the gas station’s pump, pad where the card PIN is placed and touch screen.
More than a dozen surfaces across three grocery stores were tested, with one test coming back with a positive result. Oddly enough, the trouble location was a self-serve bulk bin full of dry beans.
The testing might seem insignificant to some considering the bin of beans represented just 4 percent of the surfaces tested. but it actually proves how important cleaning is right now. Ken Downs, co-owner of Huffman and Downs Maintenance in Bakersfield, California, tells Bakersfield Now that his company only disinfects using products proven to kill COVID-19 because it doesn't want to take any chances.
This isn’t the first time a reporter has used Phylagen’s test to check for COVID-19. Back in August, we shared a report of how NBC News had multiple reporters and producers test various surfaces in New York City, Florida and California.