A recent study of 85 random shopping carts found that 50 percent carried E. coli, while 72 percent contained coliform bacteria. According to Fox News Lifestyle reporting, these findings shouldn't be that shocking a revelation, as most supermarkets have started supplying sanitizing wipe dispensers in the shopping cart area.
Despite doing so, the amount of bacteria found during this study is quite disturbing.
"The exceptionally high level of coliform bacteria suggests that fecal material may be involved in cart contamination," the report said.
These bathroom germs find their way onto surfaces in a number of ways, one of which is via the small children contained in shopping carts. Unfortunately, fecal germs aren't the only bacteria to be worried about.
Researchers also found bacteria capable of causing food-borne illnesses such as Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria and E. coli present. These bacteria weren't only identified on shopping carts, but also hiding on fruits, vegetables and raw meats for sale within the store.
In an effort to reduce the cross-contamination throughout the retail store, facility managers are providing sanitizing wipes to patrons interested in disinfecting surfaces on their own. But, reports indicate that it will take a bit of effort in order for the wipes to be effective.
According to Fox reporting, most of the wipes are utilizing benzalkonium chloride, which is a disinfecting agent. So to sanitize, shoppers should be thoroughly wetting the handles, grates, coffee cup holders, etc., with the wipes. But to disinfect, most brands of benzalkonium chloride recommend you leave the surfaces wet for up to four minutes.
To read more on this study, click here for the full report.