Thanks to the efforts of Roadnet Technologies, thirty Baltimore-area youngsters will soon have new bicycles in their possession, providing a small injection of happiness and excitement into their world. The Baltimore-based company constructed the boys and girls bicycles at a team-building event recently, and selected the Knights of Columbus Council 4011 Father O’Neill Charity and Women’s Housing Coalition as the beneficiary organizations in the endeavor.

“Our day-to-day business activities involve finding customized solutions to a company’s delivery challenges, so it seems apropos that our team is providing transportation assistance to youth in need within our community,” stated Len Kennedy, Chief Executive Officer of Roadnet Technologies. “What started as an exercise to foster company spirit and pride, soon was transformed into a worthy philanthropic activity to provide tangible benefits to area youngsters as identified by our employees,” he added.

The Women’s Housing Coalition, which for more than 30 years has provided permanent housing and case management services to Baltimore-area single woman, as well as women with children, was presented with thirteen bicycles. “Bicycles are always at the top of our children’s holiday wish list, so we will be directly responding to their desires,” explained Eleanor Fried, Senior Program Director of the organization. “Bicycles provide valuable exercise and also help children without reliable transportation get to school and other essential places. This fills an important need,” she added.

For the past six years, the Father O’Neill Knights of Columbus Charity has worked to acquire, rehabilitate and deliver bicycles to at-need youth, primarily residing in Baltimore City. The charity received 17 bicycles from Roadnet Technologies at the event. “The response from children in receipt of these gifts is always heart-warming and heart-tugging,” said Bob Woolley, who donates his time in support of the organization, along with Brothers Bill Santo, Carl Lenhoff, Don Lagator and others.

“When people see our trucks driving down the streets of Baltimore, we are typically stopped and asked for one of the bikes. They make an immediate reaction and provide a long-lasting benefit.”   

“We could have proceeded in many different directions with the selection of the local beneficiary organizations but, ultimately, chose organizations that are directly supported by our employees,” added Len Kennedy. “This decision added another level of meaning and sincerity to the relationship and the event.”