Roadnet Technologies, Baltimore, Md.,announced the launch of its company blog, which can be accessed on the homepage of its website at or directly at The blog will be written by a range of Roadnet Technologies employees from executives to the front line working in the product development, marketing, and customer support functions of the company, with the anticipation of posting new subject matters on a weekly schedule.

The primary target audiences of the blog are transportation managers and industry followers interested in receiving topical and relevant information and news that can be directly applied to improve the day-to-day operations of their company.

A sampling of intended topics includes educational information; industry issues and events; real world success stories; tips for vehicle routing and GPS tracking; and vehicle telematics trends.

“Company blogs have quickly emerged as an accepted - if not expected - communication vehicle that addresses timely topics and events of interest in a user-friendly format on a regular basis,” explained Len Kennedy, Chief
Executive Officer of Roadnet Technologies. “Our goal is to provide succinct information that our customers can put to immediate use, while further demonstrating our company’s value as a knowledgeable, relevant and trusted resource. This tool is the latest addition to our marketing communications and social media strategy,” he added.

Potential topics include: the value of proof of delivery; increasing driver productivity; and an examination of tips on how to market your company’s green initiatives through carbon emission reductions.