Roadnet Technologies has announced the addition of two newly designed Roadnet University workshops to supplement the educational experience of its 2012 Users Conference, planned for October 22 – 24 at the Hyatt Regency Miami.

The pre-conference workshop, scheduled for October 22nd, is custom-designed to provide transportation logistics professionals with a detailed look at “How to Manage Your Investment” with the Roadnet Transportation Suite. Topics to be covered include: using the software to deliver expected results, identifying routing options and understanding router skill requirements.

The post-conference workshop will be held October 25th and for a half day on the 26th. “How to Effectively Route Dynamic” will focus on teaching professionals the proper techniques to set up and test dynamic routing. Topics to be covered in this course include: dynamic settings and options, processes for testing and analysis, required maintenance protocols and strategies for getting started.

The “Destination Roadnet Roundup”themed conference will offer current customers new insights into the use of the Roadnet Transportation Suite software. Approximately thirty-five different sessions will be offered covering a variety of topics including tracking salespeople and merchandisers, understanding overall transportation costs, extending the value of fleet management software, and the effective management of fuel and energy costs.