BLM protest

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) joined three other progressive groups in demonstrating unity and support for black lives and those who have protested racial inequality in the wake of George Floyd's death by the Minneapolis Police Department.

The following statement can be attributed to Service Employees International Union International President Mary Kay Henry, NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson, Planned Parenthood Acting President Alexis McGill Johnson and Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune:

“The NAACP, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, SEIU, and the Sierra Club are united in our belief that the country must work for all of us, no matter where we are from, our gender, or the color of our skin. Together, we are speaking out against the continuous violence inflicted upon Black people and other communities of color by the police.

Our organizations join together to call for justice for Black people who have been victims of racist violence. We demand that all of the police officers responsible for the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, and Tony McDade be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We demand that Amy Cooper be held responsible for putting Christian Cooper’s life at risk as he was birdwatching in Central Park. We demand that the police permit protesters to march and speak out for justice and accountability, not provoke violence. And we commit ourselves over the long haul to the work of making our streets, our parks, and our communities a safe space for all people —Black, brown, Asian, Native and white.

Together we are working to tear down the structures of racism and white supremacy that have been ingrained in the fabric of this nation since its founding. We know we must do this in the world, and our organizations must also look internally to examine how white supremacy continues today. We will mobilize our members to hold elected leaders accountable at every level to create a world where there is justice for Black people, where the color of your skin doesn't determine the quality of your school, access to clean air and water and a stable climate, dignity and respect in your work, or the ability to live a free and healthy life and raise a family without the threat of police violence. We will also educate, engage, and turn out voters to make their voices heard in November. Together, we will keep up the fight for the structural changes we need to build power for everyday working families of all races and win racial justice, economic justice, reproductive justice, and environmental justice for all. Systemic racism will not end with a single action, but rather continued efforts by all of us. Our organizations are committed to this work until justice is achieved.”