Analysis by Avetta of 87,000 suppliers worldwide shows clients and suppliers that use the Avetta Connect Platform reduce the number of safety incidents and lost work days by as much as 55 percent compared to industry averages. The longer these companies use Avetta’s supply chain risk management technology, the safer they become — with some yielding a 7 percent to 12 percent reduction in workplace safety incidents year over year for as many as 10 years.
Avetta examined hundreds of thousands of safety data points and supplier performance reports over multiple years in 20-plus industries over a 10-year period.
“We improve what we can measure. When clients and suppliers are held to a higher safety standard and have the right technology to track performance, they achieve those outcomes across the supply chain,” said Arshad Matin, Avetta president and CEO, in a press release. “Making those corrections decreases expenses, reduces accidents and protects brands, leading to lives saved.”
The report shows these suppliers improved safety performance even more over time, accelerating improvement the longer they used supply chain risk management technology.
In the United States, suppliers who participate in prequalification measurements see about a 20 percent reduction in total recordable incidents rate (TRIR), days away, restricted or transferred (DART) and lost workday case rate (LWCR) compared to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) averages. Those companies that utilize supplier audits as part of safety programs see as much as a 52 percent reduction in those measures.
The longer companies use Avetta’s supply chain risk management system, the more workplace safety incidents are reduced. Over the past 10 years, suppliers have reduced TRIR, DART and LWCR an average of 7 percent to 8 percent year over year.
DART is a safety metric used by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to track workplace injuries and illnesses that cause the affected employees to remain away from work, restrict their work activities or transfer to another job for safety reasons. LWCR is a similar calculation, but it uses the number of cases with lost workdays.
In Canada, suppliers participating in prequalification experience a 16 percent reduction in TRIF and a 30 percent reduction in LWCR. When these companies included supplier audits, TRIF reduced by 26 percent and LWCR by 51 percent compared to industry averages.
Longevity with Avetta’s Connect Platform yields increasing safety improvements. Suppliers have reduced TRIF and LWCR average of 6 percent to 7 percent year over year for up to eight years. TRIF calculates recordable incidents per 100 full-time workers over a year.
“Avetta-vetted suppliers are significantly safer than the industry averages — ensuring workers get home safely,” Matin said. “Companies that digitize safety information with Avetta solutions are able to evaluate the ability of contractors or suppliers to operate safely. When clients implement these tools, the propensity to have a safer workplace goes up dramatically worldwide.”