Santa Fe

The long hours and relentless work of custodians often goes flies the radar, but that doesn’t stop the staff from going above and beyond at the Genoveva Chavez Community Center in Sante Fe, California. Because of its consistent cleanliness and overall facility quality, the center is among the highlights of a city rich with history and century-old architecture. 

Looking to recognize these efforts — and the hard work of one custodial team member in particular who works to keep the facility up to standard — KOB 4 honored Victor Lara for his extraordinary efforts in keeping the building clean with the Pay It 4ward distinction. Lara was nominated by a fellow community member who recognized his humble nature and effective, methodical processes for getting jobs done in a quality manner. 

The honor not only spotlights Lara’s efforts, but came with a $400 prize. For more information on the distinction and a video detailing the work of the entire staff’s contributions to the community center, click here