Although Chicago Public School (CPS) officials promised to quickly see to the schools that had failed cleanliness inspections, teachers say the initial response has made things worse. According to WBEZ 91.5 Chicago, teachers and staff at one South Side school found themselves scrambling when the cleaning contractor, Aramark, showed up unannounced.
The principal at Burke Elementary immediately instructed staff to "protect their materials" as cleaners quickly got to work. In an attempt to bring cleaning back up to snuff, reports say that Aramark staff emptied shelves and cut off locks on supply closets, scattering materials in multiple classrooms. (Click here for photos.)
Teachers unable to respond quick enough found books strewn across the library and materials scattered. Many teachers at the school — which serves low-income students — had purchased materials with their own money and now found themselves reassembling their classrooms.
CPS officials stress that the cleaning efforts were well intended, but poor communication regarding the cleaning schedule "the host of issues that the school community experienced."
Those same district officials told WBEZ 91.5 Chicago that the district would pay teachers for the time they spent cleaning their rooms, and told staff things will be better next year when CPS goes to a new system for managing school custodians and facilities.
CPS’ response comes after the Chicago Sun-Times reported that the school district this winter launched a blitz inspections of 125 schools, with 91 of them failing, including Burke.
Read the full article here.