In what seemed like regular shift for White Health Elementary for custodian Ian Greenarch last month, it quickly shifted when he discovered a letter written by a student. As reported by The News Gazette, student Daniel Gambrill had written the letter to apologize about how he doesn’t fit in with other classmates at the school, which has lead to bullying. As someone who had experienced bullying himself growing up, Greenarch was inspired to help Gambrill overcome his lack of confidence.
Greenarch wrote a response letter to the one he found, encouraging Gambrill to always be himself and never apologize for doing so. He noted that by having a forgiving approach and treating people with respect will result in the same energy being reflected back onto him.
Gambrill’s mother was thrilled to discovery the letter from Greenarch, adding that they have since met in person at the school. Gambrill is excited to go to school again in-part due to the support that Greenarch has given him. Greenarch noted that it can be difficult to kids at that age to understand they they are never truly alone and will always have a support system.
Check out the letter Greenarch wrote for Gambrill here — a gesture that has since been shared across multiple news outlets and on social media.